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What is stone ground flour?
Stone ground flour is a type of flour that is produced by grinding grains using traditional stone mills. the process involves using millstones, typically made of granite or other types of hard stones, to slowly grind the grains into flour. In stone grinding, the entire grain kernel is ground, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. This results in a flour that retains more of the natural nutrients and flavors of the original grain compared to flour produced through more industrialized methods.
What is the shelf life of stone ground flour?
Stone- ground flour has a shorter shelf life than highly processed conventional flour because of its natural occurring oils that make it prone to oxidation. We recommend using it within 4-6 months to maintain maximum freshness and flavor. Storing your flour in an airtight container and leaving it in the fridge or freezer can help maintain freshness
Do you Spray Your Crops?
None of the wheat that we use for milling our flour has been sprayed. However, our other crops (that are not for our milling process) are sprayed at the early-mid stages for weed control.
Where do you source your wheat from?
Surprisingly, the wheat utilized in producing our premium stone ground flour is sourced directly from our own fields. This enables us to guarantee that the wheat we process is cultivated through conscientious farming practices, promoting healthy soil and steering clear or harmful chemicals.
Is your flour organic?
No, our flour is not certified organic. HOWEVER, we do not use any pesticides or herbicides on our crops, and use regenerative farming practices to produce the purest, highest quality grain possible for milling. Our goal isn't necessarily to produce higher yield, but rather to produce a higher quality and more healthy food product for you to consume- we want to grow food, not a commodity.
Is it okay to consume stone ground flour if I'm gluten intolerant?
Often times (not always) people who are gluten intolerant are able to consume our flour with no side effects because it is 100% natural and pure. Believe it or not, often it is not the flour itself that is causing harm to people's health, but rather the synthetic ingredients that are added into the flour. If flour is produced industrially using roller mills (like most store bought flour), the natural vitamins and minerals are being removed and therefore, it is required to enrich the flour with synthetic vitamins and minerals (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, iron, folic acid) to meet a certain nutrition level.
What is the protein content of your wheat?
- Red Fife: 12.5%
- Khorasan: 16.3%
- Hard Red Spring: 14.1%
Because we use our own grain that we grow, the protein levels will change from year to year depending on annual growing conditions and supply.
Why does my bread seem to be denser using stone ground flour?
Baking with stone ground flour will require some adjustments and experimenting to achieve your desired consistency. It absorbs more water than white flour, therefore it either needs less flour or more liquid in your recipe. We recommend starting with a ratio of 4:5 (stone ground flour: conventional flour) and adding more if you need. Remember, you can always add more flour, but you can't take out what you've already mixed in- so start with less and add more if you need. It will take trial and error to learn how to use it, but believe me when I say "you'll never go back to store-bought once you experience the flavor and texture of stone ground flour!!"
What is the difference between 60% whole wheat and 100% whole wheat flour?
The 100% Whole Wheat flour is made from the entire wheat kernel with none of the bran sifted out of it.
The 60% Whole Wheat flour is sifted through a very coarse screen to remove the larger pieces of bran from the flour.
Using 100% Whole Wheat flour in baking can yield nutritious and flavorful results but be aware it does behave differently compared to All Purpose flour. You may have to increase the liquid content in your recipe or conversely, use less flour than the recipe calls for. If you enjoy robust, nutty flavor of Whole Wheat flour, but you don't want it too strong, we suggest blending it with All- Purpose flour in your recipes
What is the best flour to use for bread or sourdough?
This really depends on the type of bread you want to make and your personal preferences.
All Purpose Flour:
- Pros: Versatile, works well for many different bread recipes. High protein content (14.1%) resulting in better gluten development for a soft and chewy bread texture
- Cons: Lower fiber content compared to whole wheat or ancient grain flour
Whole Wheat Flour:
- Pros: Higher fiber and nutrient content. Imparts a nutty flavor and texture. Suitable for rustic and whole grain breads or some added texture and flavor to cookies and muffins
- Cons: Can produce a denser texture and a lower rise in bread, due to the higher content of bran in the flour. It may require additional hydration and adjustment to to recipes.
Khorasan Flour:
- Pros: Has the highest nutrient content, including vitamins, minerals and proteins, out of all the grains, making it the healthiest wheat option. May be easily digestible than other wheats.
- Cons: Due to the unique characteristics of Khorasan, you may need to make adjustments to hydration levels, mixing times and other factors to achieve desired texture and rise in your bread. Consider mixing with All- Purpose flour for better bread results.
Red Fife Flour:
- Pros: Has a robust and nutty flavor, adding a distinctive taste to your bread. It is a very soft flour and works excellent in pizza doughs, pastries, and cakes.
- Cons: It has a lower protein content (12.5%) diminishing the gluten development, which may impact the structure of the bread. It may also produce a denser texture in your bread due to its whole grain nature.
Rye flour:
- Pros: It imparts a unique flavor characterized by a slightly tangy and earthy taste. It produces a bread with a denser crumb and chewy texture which is desirable for certain bread types such as sourdough or European style rye bread.
- Cons: Rye flour has less gluten than wheat flour, which can make it challenging to achieve the same gluten development and rise. It may require the addition of wheat flour to improve the bread's structure. rye flour can be an excellent choice for adding flavor, nutrients, and variety to your bread, but it requires some adaptation in terms of gluten development and handling compared to traditional wheat flour.
What is the difference between conventional white flour and stone ground flour?
White flour that is commonly found in stores is made using steel roller mills. In this process, the outer layer of the wheat berry, known as the bran and germ, are taken out, leaving only the inner part called the endosperm. Unfortunately, removing these outer layers also removes many natural nutrients (B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals, fiber). To make up for this loss, synthetic vitamins and minerals are added back into the flour, but these can be less healthy and harder for the body to digest compared to the original nutrients. Sometimes, people may experience sensitivity to this enriched flour, not because of the flour itself, but because of the synthetic ingredients added during the processing.
What if I want to mill my own flour at home?
Not only do we use our homegrown wheat in our stone ground flour, but we also offer it as whole unprocessed wheat berries (kernels) if you chose to mill your own flour at home. We use mindful farming practices to produce the highest quality, nutrient rich grain possible. We have Hard Red Spring Wheat, Red Fife Wheat, Soft White Wheat, Khorasan Wheat and Rye available to purchase.
Can I buy in bulk?
Yes, we sell in bulk. We have a few options for those who want larger quantities or to refill their pails regularly. We have 10kg pails or 20kg pails available to purchase which can be brought into the Farm Store. Please contact us directly for options and availability.